Ring road, Iceland

Svetlana Shishkovets
22 min read · 1 Dec 23


1 review

Iceland: Glaciers, lakes, forests, and more. A land of diverse landscapes, from majestic glaciers to volcanic wonders. Waterfalls, black sand beaches, and geothermal hot springs await. Rich history, vibrant culture. Awe-inspiring adventures at every turn.

  • Days
  • Distance
    2,223 km
  • Spots
  • Intensity

Full route

  1. Keflavík - Holmsberg lighthouse - Blue Lagoon - Kleifarvatn - Reykjavík
  2. Reykjavík - Thingvellir National Park - Laugarvatn Fontana - Kerid Crater - Geysir - Gullfoss Falls - Brúarfoss - Flúðir
  3. Flúðir - Urriðafoss - Seljalandsfoss - Gljufrabui - Nauthúsagil - Skógafoss - Kvernufoss - Sólheimajökull - Dyrhólaey - Vik
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Our to-do list

  • Experience the active light guiding at the Holmsberg lighthouse (Day 1)
  • Immerse yourself in relaxation at the mineral-rich Blue Lagoon (Day 1)
  • Engage with the Scandinavian culture in Reykjavík (Day 1)
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Interesting places we didn’t visit

  1. Whale watching https://reykjaviksailors.is/
  2. Grótta Island Lighthouse (Reykjavík) - A historic lighthouse located on a small island off the coast of Reykjavik, offering stunning views of the surrounding area.
  3. Maríuhellar (Reykjavík) - A beautiful, tranquil spot located near the sea in Reykjavik, known for its stunning rock formations and picturesque views.
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Day 1: Keflavík - Reykjavík
  • Distance
    111 km
  • Spots

Holmsberg Lighthouse

Perched on Iceland’s rugged coastline since 1929, Holmsberg Lighthouse is a historic beacon offering a captivating glimpse into the country’s maritime heritage.

Photography Tips: Capture the lighthouse during sunrise or sunset for stunning photos. Check the weather forecast, dress in layers, and visit during quieter times for a more intimate experience.

Blue Lagoon

”Immerse yourself in the otherworldly waters of the Blue Lagoon, a geothermal spa surrounded by volcanic landscapes”. It’s was Formed in 1976, it invites relaxation amid stunning natural contrasts and is known for its skincare benefits.

Tip: Book tickets in advance, visit during off-peak hours, try the face mud mask, and bring a waterproof phone case. Don’t forget to moisturize after your dip.


It’s a perfect quick stop on the way back to Reykjavík. Kleifarvatn is the largest lake on the Reykjanes Peninsula. Set against steaming vents and lava fields, its geological history, shaped by seismic activity, makes it a captivating stop.

Tip: Explore surrounding geothermal areas, dress warmly, and consider bringing binoculars for bird watching.

Next Days

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A map showing the route across Iceland.
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